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Medicare Enrollment Tutorial
Follow the guide below if you are having trouble navigating the Social Security Administrations website to enroll in Medicare.
Click the play button to view tutorial video and full screen button in the bottom right corner to enlarge the video. Click the escape button to minimize the video after watching.

1) Click on the Apply online button under the Sign Up for Medicare box on the
2) Read the Terms of Service
Click the box next to "I understand and agree to the above statements", then click "Next" to continue.

3) Click the "Start a New Application" button.
*Note: you can save an application and return to it if you are unable to complete the application all at once.
4) Answer the questions that follow.
For most people following along with the tutorials, your answers will match the image to the right.

5) If you do NOT already have an online Socials Security Account, select the "Create an account" link.
If you already have an account, enter your Username and Password.